ICT Islamabad Police Jobs 2020 For Constables, PSI & ASI
Posted Dec 21, 2019 | Hits: 10871
ICT Islamabad Police Jobs 2020 For Constables, PSI & ASI - Latest NTS Advertisement & Application Form
ICT Islamabad Police Jobs 2020 will declare 808 Jobs for Sub Inspectors, Assistant Sub Inspectors and Constables. Islamabad Police may approved National Testing Service (NTS) for its Physical Test, Written Test and Interviews. Competitors from Punjab, Sindh, KPK , Balochistan, Gilgit Baltistan, FATA , ICT and AJK are qualified to go after these positions. Promoted posts are for ASI (Assistant Sub Inspector and Constable. Application Forms of Islamabad Capital Police and Counter Terrorism Force will be accessible soon. The Latest Advertisement of ICT Police Jobs 2020 will be distributed soon in Daily Jang Newspaper. Islamabad Capital Territory ICT Police going to declare through NTS (800+ occupations) for Sub Inspectors, Assistant Sub Inspectors and Constables. The Males and Females candidates can apply from all over Pakistan. Before long this Advertisement might be posted in any well known paper inside 1 or multi month. The subtleties of opening in ICT police are following:
ICT Police Jobs Position:
12 Sub Inspector BPS-14
64 ASI BPS-11
732 Constable BPS-07
Education: BA/BSc or equivalent is required to apply.
Age: 18 to 25 years is required.
Physical Measurement:
Minimum height for the male candidate should be 5' - 7".
Minimum height for female candidates should be 5' - 2".
Chest size for male candidates only should be 33" x 34 1/2".
Male candidates have to complete the 01-mile running test in 07 minutes and female candidates have to complete 01 mile running in 10 minutes.
Those Candidates applying for ASI CTF need to pass chin-ups and push-ups test.
Education: Matric or equivalent is required to apply.
Age: 18 to 25 years is required.
Physical Measurement:
Minimum height for Male candidate should be 5' - 7".
Minimum height for female candidates should be 5' - 2".
Chest size for male candidates only should be 33" x 34 1/2".
Mae candidates have to complete 01-mile running test in 07 minutes and female candidates have to complete 01 mile running in 10 minutes.
Those Candidates applying for Constable CTF need to pass chin-ups and push-ups test.
64 ASI BPS-11
732 Constable BPS-07
Eligibility Criteria for Islamabad Police ASI Jobs 2020:
Education: BA/BSc or equivalent is required to apply.
Age: 18 to 25 years is required.
Physical Measurement:
Minimum height for the male candidate should be 5' - 7".
Minimum height for female candidates should be 5' - 2".
Chest size for male candidates only should be 33" x 34 1/2".
Male candidates have to complete the 01-mile running test in 07 minutes and female candidates have to complete 01 mile running in 10 minutes.
Those Candidates applying for ASI CTF need to pass chin-ups and push-ups test.
Eligibility Criteria for Islamabad Police Constable Jobs 2020:
Education: Matric or equivalent is required to apply.
Age: 18 to 25 years is required.
Physical Measurement:
Minimum height for Male candidate should be 5' - 7".
Minimum height for female candidates should be 5' - 2".
Chest size for male candidates only should be 33" x 34 1/2".
Mae candidates have to complete 01-mile running test in 07 minutes and female candidates have to complete 01 mile running in 10 minutes.
Those Candidates applying for Constable CTF need to pass chin-ups and push-ups test.
How To Apply for www.islamabadpolice.gov.pk Jobs:
Application forms will be downloaded from nts.org.pk
Eligible candidates need to fill the Islamabad Police Jobs Application Form carefully and submit it along with paid deposit slip of test fee Rs. 750/- in favor NTS to the NTS Headquarter Islamabad.
The Islamabad police jobs last date for submission of application is YET TO BE ANNOUNCED.
Incomplete application forms and received after due date will not be entertained.
Government servants should apply through proper channel.
Shortlisted candidates will be called for test/interview.
No TA/DA is admissible for test/interview.

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